1. Services
  2. Advocacy
  3. Youth
  4. Rent Assistance OPWDD

Individual Support Services (ISS) provides a monthly housing subsidy for OPWDD eligible individuals who are age 18 and above and live independently in their own residence in the community. Individuals accessing another housing subsidy from another entity, such as HUD Section 8, cannot receive the OPWDD Housing Subsidy.  ISS participants are also eligible to receive one-time financial assistance with purchasing furnishings, essential household goods and moving costs, as they transition into their own community residence. ISS transition start-up includes first month’s rent or security deposit, in addition to a $3,000 maximum allowance for household purchases/moving expenses.

  • Have established eligibility for OPWDD services.
  • Be at least eighteen (18) years old.
  • Have or will have appropriate support services and safeguards to meet their needs in non-certified community housing as documented in their Life Plan.
  • Be able to live independently without receiving support services that exceed the individual’s authorized service amount.
  • Have applied for all other benefits they may be eligible for (e.g., SSI/SSD, Housing Choice Voucher Program/Section 8, Social Service Shelter Payments, Food Stamps, HEAP) each year.
  • Not be receiving another housing subsidy (such as HUD Section 8).
  • Have sufficient resources to pay for basic essentials after housing costs are paid.

Margaret Gallaway

Grants Management Director

Claudia Politano

Claudia Politano


Tom Lippie 1

Tom Lippie

Program Director, Amsterdam Office

Payment Options

  • If enrolled in Self-Direction (SD), the cost of the service must be included in their SD Budget. If not, the service is free.

Contact Rent Assistance OPWDD

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