Family Support Services (FSS)
OPWDD’s Family Support Services (FSS) provides programs and supports to help families keep their loved ones with developmental disabilities safe and living at home. This may include respite or reimbursement for goods or services related to the care of the family member with a developmental disability. Services can range from purchasing items to providing respite for care givers to support the individual to remain at home with their family.
OPWDD's Family Support Services (FSS) provides programs and supports to help families keep their loved one's with developmental disabilities safe and living at home. This may include respite or reimbursement for goods or services related to the care of a family member with a developmental disability. Services can range from purchasing items to providing respite for caregivers to support the individual to remain in home with their family.
The individual must be residing at home and being cared for by a family member or caregiver and must have established eligibility for OPWDD services.
Program Features
Goods and Services which are not funded through other sources may be able to be purchased through this program. This may include respite or reimbursement for goods or services related to the care of the family member with a developmental disability.
Respite: These services provide the family with temporary relief from the care of a person with a developmental disability.
Who We Serve
- Must have established eligibility for OPWDD.
- Must be Family Support Services (FSS) eligible and residing at home with a family member or caregiver.
- Reimbursement request cannot be funded by any other funding mechanism;
- Requested item or service must be related to the individual’s intellectual or developmental disability;
- A person does not need to be enrolled in Medicaid or be with a Care Coordination Organization (CCO) to utilize FSS.
Payment Options
- If enrolled in Self-Direction (SD), the cost of the service must be included in their SD Budget. If not, the service is free.
Contact Family Support Services (FSS)
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