1. Consumers & Participants
  2. Create Your Own Help Wanted Ad

How It Works

  1. Become A Registered User
  2. Visit the Consumers & Participants section of RCIL and select “Create Your Own Help Wanted Ad”
  3. Enter and Submit Your Email Address
  4. Create your own “Help Wanted Ad”
    • Note that this information may be shared publicly.
    • Whichever method you select as your primary method of contact will be shared publicly.
    • Therefore, if you don’t want your phone number shared publicly, select email as your preferred.
    • Use the description box to describe what types of assistance you may need. It might be helpful to provide a list of specific tasks that you might need help with.
  5. Preview Your Ad
  6. Submit Your Ad
    • Please note that RCIL’s moderators must approve your ad before it is posted live on the website.
    • You will receive an email letting you know when your ad has been approved and is live on the website.